Asymptotic Knowledge is a twitter handle I run which helps people discover interesting & intriguing things to read, listen & see. Follow to indulge in your curiosity!
We’re a generation of hacks. Or at least people who want to ‘hack’ things. A lot has been written on how to hack the brain and change the way we think about certain things. Even though my initial reaction to anything that’s about life and wellness and starts with ‘How to…’ is to not take it seriously. It’s a mix of the cognizance that most ‘How to’ articles are a sham and exploit the vulnerability of people desperately trying to fix their lives for likes and views, and a broader understanding that when it comes to life and how to better live it – no single approach works alike for two people. Copying someone will almost always lead to failure because what works for person X is dependent on their background conditions (such as education, personality, friends, parents, attitude, habits etc.), and person Y can never get the same results by trying to copy what X did because they cannot replicate the exact same conditions. So two things. First, avoid most stuff that talks about how to make...
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